Start the SDK

The following code shows how to start the SDK (using your API key) and how to assign the delegate.

Android Manifest

Locate the AndroidManifest.xml file within your project. It is usually located in the "app" or "src/main" directory. Add the element as application element inside the component tag.


            android:value="..." />

Bridgefy initialization

By default the SDK starts using the Standard propagation profile mode

fun init(
        bridgefyApiKey: UUID,
        delegate: BridgefyDelegate?,
        priorityLogging: Int = Log.WARN,


Throws: BridgefyException if there is an error during initialization


Starts Bridgefy operations, allowing the SDK to participate in the Bridgefy network.

       userId: UUID? = null,
       propagationProfile: PropagationProfile = PropagationProfile.Standard,
